香港六宗教領袖座談會 甲辰年(2024) 新春文告
Chinese New Year Message, 2024 (Year Jia Chen 甲辰年)
日期: 2024年1月16日

甲辰年(2024) 新春文告

甲辰春夢 龍騰吐瑞
雲水淨化 人心自在
祥和同行 歡喜無量

我六宗教領袖 乘夢在尋根•祈福並祝願︰
今疫症已過•新機現希望 敬撥雲見月•放下幽暗面 同心展明德•共建家和合
國治顯小康•天下見大同 世界無戰爭•同議護貧苦 環保尊生生•關愛青少年
仁愛伴成長•公義引路行 緣份靈氣生•緣去無好醜 求同保慈悲•存異立言教
博愛互尊重•真理不踰矩 民本建新明•愛物承創化 際此吉祥日•寄望戰爭除
見世界和平•共建環保家 倫常關係好•道德教育彰 德智齊發展•加強文化根
偕同青少年•擴充新思維 融和各種族•生活質素改 公益喚責任•歸屬不相離
德星高照樂圓融 重締香江美好日


香港道教聯合會主席    梁德華道長
香港佛教聯合會會長    寬運法師
天主教香港教區宗座署理  周守仁樞機
孔教學院院長       湯恩佳博士
中華回教博愛社主席    脫瑞康先生
香港基督教協進會主席   王家輝牧師


The Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong
Chinese New Year Message, 2024 (Year Jia Chen 甲辰年)

Jia Chen ushers in the dream in spring The flying dragon is spitting out felicity
The clouds and mist are purified The human heart is contented
The way of synodality is auspicious and harmonious
The joy is unfathomable

We, the Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong
Are riding on the dream and seeking the root
Praying for blessings and extending our best wishes:

Gone now is the pandemic
New opportunities bring new hopes
Respectfully part the clouds to reveal the moon
Put aside the dark facet of all
With a unified heart show the luminous virtue
To build family harmony

With good governance the nation is affluent
Uniting all in heaven and on earth
With no more war in the world
In synodality the poor is protected
Environmental protection respects all lives
Give concern and love to the young

Benevolence is the companion of growing up
Righteousness leads the way
With serendipity, spirituality grows
When serendipity leaves it is neither good nor bad
Look for similarities to preserve mercy and compassion
Keep the differences and establish the words for teaching

Mutual respect in universal love
The truth does not overstep the norm
A people-oriented approach establishes the new radiance
Loving all things succeeds creations
On the occasion of this auspicious day
Let’s pin our hope on the end of all conflicts

World peace is in sight
Together we build the environmentally friendly home
Ethical relationship being good
Moral education is distinguished
Virtue and wisdom being developed at the same time
The cultural root is strengthened

Accompanying our young people
Expand the innovative mindset
Harmonize all different ethnicities
And improve the quality of life
Public welfare calls up our sense of responsibility
With the sense of belonging there is no parting

The star of virtue high up gives the illumination of joy and harmony
Once again brings the Fragrant Harbour back to its good old days


The Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong
Mr. Leung Tak Wah, Chairman, The Hong Kong Taoist Association
The Most Ven. Kuan Yun, President, The Hong Kong Buddhist Association
The Cardinal Stephen Chow Sau Yan, S.J. Bishop, Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
Dr. Tong Yun Kai, President, The Confucian Academy
Mr. Tuet Sui Hong, Ali, Chairman, The Chinese Muslim Cultural and Fraternal Association
Rev. Wong Ka Fai, Chairperson, Hong Kong Christian Council

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