Statement by Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong
on passage of The Safeguarding National Security Bill by LegCo
日期: 2024年3月20日



  1. 有關立法是根據《基本法》第23條及《香港國安法》相關規定而作出,能全面落實香港特區的憲制責任;

  2. 立法按普通法及法治原則防範和制止危害國家安全行為和活動,可有效維護國家安全;

  3. 特區政府已就法律條文清楚劃定界線,在維護國家安全和保障基本人權方面達致平衡,各項人權包括宗教信仰自由權利皆充分得到保障。


香港佛教聯合會會長    寬運法師
天主教香港教區主教    周守仁樞機
孔教學院院長       湯恩佳博士
中華回教博愛社主席    脫瑞康先生
香港基督教協進會主席   王家輝牧師
香港道教聯合會主席    梁德華道長 聯啟


Statement by Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong
on passage of The Safeguarding National Security Bill by LegCo

The Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong are pleased to see The Safeguarding National Security Bill has been passed after the third reading, and are here to reiterate three main points:

  1. The Safeguarding National Security Bill is based on Article 23 of the Basic Law and the Hong Kong National Security Law, and gives full effect to the constitutional obligation of the HKSAR;

  2. We accept that the legislation can prevent and suppress acts and activities endangering national security and effectively safeguard national security in accordance with the Common Law and the principle of the rule of law;

  3. The HKSAR government has clearly defined and delineated the legal provisions to achieve a balance between safeguarding national security and protecting human rights, including religious freedom.


The Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong
The Most Ven. Kuan Yun, President, The Hong Kong Buddhist Association
Cardinal Stephen Chow Sau Yan, S.J, Bishop, Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
Dr. Tong Yun Kai, President, The Confucian Academy
Mr. Tuet Sui-Hong Ali, Chairman, The Chinese Muslim Cultural and Fraternal Association
Rev. Wong Ka Fai, Chairperson, Hong Kong Christian Council
Mr. Leung Tak Wah, Chairman, The Hong Kong Taoist Association

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