Urgent Appeal from the Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong for the rapid escalation of confrontation at Hong Kong Polytechnic University
日期: 2019年11月18日



  1. 各方暫停一切武力行動;
  2. 讓身處理大校內的示威者,包括受傷人士,馬上離開校園
  3. 示威人士停止武力,警務人員以和平處理所有以和平、有序離開校園之人士,作合情合理合法的適當安排;
  4. 示威者及警方能接受以調停方式來和平解決事件。


香港佛教聯合會會長    寬運法師
天主教香港教區宗座署理  湯漢樞機
孔教學院院長       湯恩佳博士
中華回教博愛社主席    薩智生先生
香港基督教協進會主席   蘇成溢牧師
香港道教聯合會主席    梁德華道長  聯啟


Urgent Appeal from the Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong
for the rapid escalation of confrontation at Hong Kong Polytechnic University

We, the Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong, issued a joint statement on 13 November 2019, called to stop all kinds of violence and sabotage in the protest. However, the confrontation at Hong Kong Polytechnic University escalate rapidly, we hereby once again make an appeal.

  1. All parties should suspend all kinds of force.
  2. Protestors who stay in the university, including the injured, should be allowed to leave the campus immediately.
  3. Protestors should stop using force, while on-site police force should make reasonable and legal arrangement and let the people leave the campus peacefully.
  4. Police force and protestors should attempt to mediate and settle the issue in a peaceful way.

In the heart of benevolence, the Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders are willing to send representatives to mediate and resolve the crisis if necessary.

The Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong
The Most Ven. Kuan Yun, President, The Hong Kong Buddhist Association
John Cardinal Tong Hon, Apostolic Administrator, Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
Dr. Tong Yun Kai, President, The Confucian Academy
Mr. Sat Che Sang, Ibrahim, Chairman, The Chinese Muslim Cultural and Fraternal Association
Rev. Dr. So Shing Yit, Eric, Chairperson, Hong Kong Christian Council
Mr. Leung Tak Wah, Chairman, The Hong Kong Taoist Association

18 November 2019

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